Rehoboth Beach Sandcastle Contest

We had a busy weekend, the first one in August, we went to the Wyoming Peach Festival in the morning and the Rehoboth Beach Sandcastle Contest in the afternoon! Bob almost lost his cell phone in the sand. When he discovered it had fallen out of his pocket we had walked quite a way from where we started. I began to call his phone number hoping someone had picked it up and had to leave the beach and walk to a side street to get a signal. After we had given up finding it my phone rang and it was someone at the informtion booth there on the beach! Someone had found it and turned it in there and she called me! So the phone was found and we could enjoy the rest of the day! Here are some of the sandcastles along the beach. The "Dragon Castle" won first prize! (Adult Sandcastle Division: First place: Eric, Jennifer, Scott and Gavin Bollinger of Frankford, Glenda, Anthony and Amanda Roberts of Ocean View, Beverly and Raymond Bishop of Frankford, Jeff, Ann, Rachel and Jacob Bollinger of Greenwood, Donny Baker of Frankford, Kayla Worrington of Frankford, Mike Covey of Frankford and Justin McCabe of Frankford with Dragon Castle)

Dragon Castle from the front (facing the boardwalk)

Dragon Castle facing the sea

Pyramids with boy head!

In the Adult Freeform Division (not sure of the name of this one! Sorry!)

Another beautiful sandcastle


Barbara said…
What cool sandcastles!
Such detail! And I thought making a mermaid out of sand was hard...the castles are beautiful and I can see the time and devotion it took to make them.

Hope all is well!
Gerald de Dios said…
You have such a great blog with with wonderful stories and photos. I will be sure to visit often!
Rosemary said…
Very cool. And this is just a sampling of the castles that almost filled Rehoboth Beach. They started early that morning and were finished by 3pm if you can imagine. There were teams of people working on the designs and clearly tons of planning went into each one.

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