Weekend in Fresno

(more catch up from June)

When we got our invitation to Jon and Juliet's wedding in Los Gatos, California, we immediately decided that we would have to make it a little vacation and spend some time in Yosemite National Park. And when I poured over the map of California I realized that Fresno is sort of in between Yosemite and Los Gatos and since John and Sally, friends of ours from Phoenix live there now, it seemed a pity not to at least try to see them while we were passing through. They were available and had time and space for us, so we spent the weekend with them. It was great catching up on our lives and hanging out, like we used to do in Phoenix, eating good food and drinking lots of wine!

They took us to their local Farmer's Market and showed us some of the sights. Here's just a tiny view of a brief visit to Fresno.

The Farmers Market in Fresno

John and Sally

Flowers at the Market

Cherries - we stopped at a roadside stand to buy these cherries and ate them in the car - the best we have ever had!

Locally Grown Almonds and Beans


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