Looking for Ancestors in Italy

Looking through the ledger books for ancestors’ names

We were talking with Chuck, a friend of ours, from Dolce Bakery in Milford, about the day we looked for my ancestors in Baucina, a little town in the Campania region of Italy and I told him I would send him the link. So I thought I would post it here too, since it was about this time of year when we were searching there and it brought back all those memories! I hope you'll enjoy it too. Here's a link to the blog. It would be so appreciated if you would leave some comments and let me know what you think!

Here's the link: Searching for Ancestors

Buona sera!


Daniel Ambrose said…
Hi Rosemary,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my site. I've enjoyed browsing your blogs also and would like to talk to you more about visiting Italy. My grandparents are from southern Italy and I want to spend some time painting there.
Best regards,
Daniel Ambrose

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