The Mural Project

Members of the Mispillion Art League, in particular Sara Gallagher (president) and Diane Deeney (hospitality) have been climbing up and down scaffolding painting murals of historic scenes of Milford based on old photographs from the historical society on the wall of the Salvation Army building on South East Front Street. Not an easy task, first drawings had to be made of each of the photographs and then scaled up and transferred onto the walls for painting, with Sara and Diane creating most of the art.

The mural project got underway in summer of 2008 with a break over the winter, and as soon as the weather warmed up they were back at it again. Bruce Aden, another member painted one of the murals and is starting a second. In all there will be six panels. For the "captions" Gervasio Ruiz draws the outline of the letters and Pat LaManna fills in with fine-tipped brushes. Members of the community have been delighted with the project, stopping to compliment the artists and offer encouragement. Other members of the league have contributed to the project and even Bob spent a morning this summer as well. Large scale works are not my forte but I should at least try my hand at it before they are finished!

Sara and Diane working on the mural "The Pea Crop"

Pat, cleaning up the edges

Bruce's "Old Red Mill & L.D. Caulk Mfg. Plant on Haven Lake"


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