Halloween 2008

A little out of order, I still wanted to post these photos of Kyla at Halloween. We had fun trick or treating again in Richmond with Kyla and her Mom's family and friends. She has a lovely, large extended family with plenty of brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents to go around!

At 4 years old, Kyla has become enamored with Hannah Montana and knew all the moves and the words to the songs. Hilarious! She had so much fun.

Halloween party at Kim's house (Kyla‘s Mom) with all the cousins in attendance

Bob and I (a.k.a. Gram and Gampy) dressed up as “works in progress” wearing canvases and asking all the party guests to add their drawings. Everyone had a good time with this and by the end of the night the works of art were complete!


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